Thursday 15 October 2015

Prezi on British Independent Themes & Urban Films.

In Class today, we were asked to create a prezi. this particular assignment was focusing on bothe British Independent Film Themes as well as British Independent Urban Films. I have decided to take both of these assignments and merge it into one huge 40 slide prezi which focuses on about 20 different films.

The First half of the prezi is on the different independent film themes. i decided to choose s my main focus, Gangster, Period Drama and Political. All the films within those 3 subcategories share a common theme with one another such as in the Gangster themed section, both films such as Lock Stock and Two smoking barrels which is about a poker game gone Legend which is about the Kray twins which terrorised east London in the 1960's.

The Second half of the prezi was about british independent urburn films which seemed to be aimed attains. I chose examples of classic films that were acknowledged and popular in this area. I chose Kidulthood-Adulthood series about a typical day in the life of growing up in the east end of London compared to Fast Girls abut 2 girls competing to represent GB at the 2012 Olympics and the rivalry that goes on between them.

Anyway I hope you enjoy and learn about what British Independent films may have gone unnoticed and not as acknoledged as big hollywood blockbuster movies and if any peak your interest, don't hesitate to watch and learn more about the british culture and what life is like growing up here, in London.

All The Best


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