Friday 5 February 2016

My Magazine

In Class today, I started modifying and re designing the cover of woman owns magazine This was part of the task that our teacher has given us in order to get more familiar with adobe Photoshop and this will hep us when the actual assignment roles around.

This is a screenshot of what my redesign is going to look like for my Magazine. The photo of the woman in the wedding dress is actually my mother, Dana on her wedding day in 2013 to my step father and there was a professional photographer there so I borrowed some of the photos this also includes the cute boy in the bottom left corner, this is actually my cousin and  he is very much still healthy alive despite the caption.

This is the idea I want woman's magazine to look like in the end as I am, using Photoshop to make it look more professional and better than using Microsoft word.

I will hopefully continue to be successful in my work and by the end of the unit, I will be able to confidently use Photoshop and create an even better design for woman's own magazine despite the one that already exists. ( I also apologize for the size an d the excess the image has created)

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