Thursday 19 May 2016

Magazine UNIT 57: Before and After

Task 2: Prepare Images for your double page spread; show before and after for all your images for your double page spread

Main Image - Before

Main Image - After

As you can see there have been some changes that have been made to this particular photo, which will be the main image that is on my double page spread. 

Here are the changes I made:
  • Cropped the photo at the bottom and the top
  • I removed strays hairs that were around the models faces by using the clone tool. I cloned a portion of the wall that was darker so that i would blend into their shadow and cover up the stray hairs. 
  • I  used a clone tool on the models dress and cover up the string that was coming out of the belt that the model was wearing. and the pocket of the jeans. and also shorten the air of both models so it didn't look as messy.
  • I used the liquify tool on both the models arms. faces and stomachs in order to give the appearance of them looking slimmer for the photo.
  • I removed any blemishes, freckles and spots that were on the models by using the spot healing brush tool.
  • I used the burn tool around the models hairline and the hair themselves.
  • I created a layer, added a mask, inverted the mask, use the apt bucket tool to dye the page a grey colour. By doing this i then masked out certain features such as the eye and focused on them or the lips and made the colour of them redder and brighter.
  • I used Gaussian blur in order to lighten the skin tone and give it a softer appearance.
  • I used different layers and add brightness layers such as overlay and pass through as well as changing the opacity for each layer
  • i made the lower lower and played with the colour balance so it had a lighter feel to the picture and i made the brighter colours stand out in this image

Album Cover - Before

Album Cover - After

This photo was added to my double page spread as a secondary picture representing the album cover that was discussed in the article.

Here are the changes I made to the original photo:
  • I cropped the outer edges o the photo.and enlarged the center of it.
  • I used the clone stamp tool on the background and used the turquoise colour to cover the plug socket in the room as well as the fact that i used a clone stamp tool on a different area of the picture that was dark to cover what was underneath the bridge between the hands. I wanted to giver the impression of a shadow underneath the two hands meeting as well as covering the lining between my wall and the floor
  • I used the spot healing brush tool to take away freckles from the arms of the models as well any things sticking out around the nails.
  • I used the burn tool to contour and enhance both the edges of the girls hands.
  • I used the liquify tool again to make the models wrists, hands and fingers slimmer.
  • I added text to the picture as you can see which says the album cover is red, font in the style of a stencil, as well as the name of booth the models names in white, to give the impression that they signed the album cover themselves.
  • I also used a blur tool to focus directly on the hands of the girls and to blur the backgropund out.
  • finally, I changed the overall colour of the picture in black and white to make the name of the album cover stand out

Award Photo - Before

Award Photo - After

The final photo that we will be looking at is of the two singers supposedly at the award show standing showing that they are friends even on the red carpet. It should be noted that the final picture has got some issues with it, however the photo that was used in the final double page spread was less a quarter of a size of this image. This makes damage in the image less obvious in the final magazine, In the future, I hope to improve and not repeat the mistakes I made in this photo.

Here are the changes i made to the original photo:

  • As you can see, I have changed the background image. I downloaded a step-and-repeat banner off the internet. I carefully used the magnetic lasso tool as well as the free hand lasso tool and cut the picture of its original background and pasted it on the banner. I took any residue out using the clone stamp tool such as the blue tinge from the previous wall paper.
  • I used the liquify tool on both of the models, waist, torso, face and arms.
  • An unsolvable issue occurred with the hair and ultimately, I tried to blur it out which is why you can see that the smudge tool is being used as well as the fact that the model in red, has no face shape so again i attempted to use the clone stamp tool to take away a the blue from the previous photo, this the result and I understand what not to do next time.
  • Used teh burn tool on the models hair and hairline, as well as around the face.
  • I used the spot healing brush to take away unwanted, spots and freckles.
  • Used the clone stamp tool on the model in the black and white costume in order to move the black strap from her chest.
  • Used a repeated method of adding a layer, adding a mask, inverting the mask and then using a grey paint bucket tool and mask out certain area's and then enhancing them. Particularly the skin is touched up as well as the yes and lips.
  • I also made the contrast higher, so that the lighter colours would stand out on the darker background i also played with colour contrast and leaned the image more towards a darker contrast in the colours.
  • I also edited out the models left arm in order to make it easier to put the new background in.
The video that I followed in order to touch up and enhance the models is:

1 comment:

  1. Unit 51 Page layout and design - Assignment 2 - Task 2 - Before and After - evidence of P3,M3
