Tuesday 9 May 2017

Unit 11: Understanding the Print - Based Media Industries - Assignment 4 - Unit 11: Understanding the Print - Based Media Industries - Assignment 4 - Be able to prepare personal career development material.

Here are the roles that i am interested in working in within the print based media industry. I will specifically be looking at working within the magazine business as opposed to a newspaper company.

Magazine Editor

A magazine editor is responsible for planning and selecting the different articles that will appear i the magazine and what the readers will be reading. They also have the responsibility of designing creative ideas for the journalist to research into and make articles about. In a magazine, there are many different editors that control the head of the departments in the magazine such as Fashion, Sports, Food, Beauty etc. They also supervise the staff members and make sure that they are writing up the correct thing and the content is engaging.

Skills and Development

As a magazine editor, i can understand the different skills needed in order to be successful. For example, you need a lot of experience in a similar print based environment. such as a fashion magazine HQ or in a newspaper company so you can understand how to write up articles successfully. Understandably, to gain this skill i need to gain more experience at a print based industries that are subjective to fashion and beauty which is that region of editing i would want to work in. for example, cosmopolitan or Elle. I also understand the qualifications that you need to become as fashion editor, including studied GCSE and A Level Textiles as well as English Language and had least get a B. If possible, i will redo the exams so that i can gain the correct qualification, Finally, a skill a qualification needed would be a strong knowledge of English and Fashion. this can be developed by attaining a Bachelor's degree in Fashion Merchandising or fashion Design as well as studying English.

An example of a fashion editor job and role below.


A photographer is responsible for taking all the photos that feature in the magazine or newspaper and make sure that they are of good quality and of the highest standard. they may have the responsibility of running photo shoots, taking images of still life and even working alongside advertisers to get the correct photo. In this industry, i would really loge to pursue a career in either portrait photography so that i can get the opportunity to meet celebrities and ind out the real personality behind them as opposed to their lives that are portrayed in the media. Photographers are also responsible for taking good photographs to accompanies the stories and can make it clearer to the reader.

Skills and Development

The skills that you need to be photographer is practice as this is what can make a good photography the future during my career. As a prospective photographer, i would like to develop these skills by practicing when necessary and take into account all the types of photography and take each time to master each type such as portrait, fashion and advertising as i don't know what product i will be working with then. I also know that i need to gain technical skills and understand the functions of a camera and how they work. |To develop this, i can take a day course for only £125 in London the link can be found below and it will give me a foundation qualification in the process. http://www.dslrphotographycourses.com/courses-and-workshops/intensive-dslr-photography-course.

Example of an image taken by a Magazine photographer


A journalist are the employees responsible for writing up the actual article that will appear in the magazine. Their responsibility is being creative and gaining experience in order to write up a successful and engaging article. They are often likely to attend conferences and related events, interview various celebrities or personalities that the article will be written about and working alongside other staff embers such as photographers and graphic designers so that supporting aspects of the article relate and compliment each other for the viewing pleasure of the reader.

Skills and Development

As well as writing up their articles for the newspaper, there are many skills that I needs in order to a successful journalist. I believe that good social skills are important in communicating as you are likely to be interviewing as well as discussing the job roles with other professionals in the environment. Although my confidence and social skills might not be as high as they can possible b; the way to develop these is simple. I understand that not within a work environment i should attempt to communicate with people that I am not friendly with and even more so, people who I do not know. Therefore, |I can improve my communication skills now and for the future. I also understand that writing essays of a good quality is important in journalism s that the articles that you write can be flawless and be very engaging. In order to develop this skill, I will do practice essays in my spare time as well as studying a Bachelor Degree in Journalism. I also understand that to improve my literacy skills, I should gain experience of what it is like to be in the workplace and the examples I can set from qualified journalists and relate this to how can I improve my own writing skills.

Example of a Journalist interviewing;


Talia Wolf

35 Deansway                                                                            



Hasmonean High School for Girls - September 2011 - May 2015                                      

Maths - C
English Language – A*
English Literature - A
Science - C
History - A
French - C
Business Studies - C
Textiles - C
Religious Studies - B

AS Level and A Level                                                            
Jewish Community Secondary School (Predicted Grades) - Sept 2015 — May 2017
Textiles – A
Media Studies - B
English Lang – B


Mendy's Kosher Food Store April 2016 — June 2017
* Worked at Cash Exchange for an independent company
* Working on the register
* Packing the foodstuffs into plastic bags
* Taking in orders and providing refunds when appropriate

Cosmpolitan Magazine  - 20th June 2016 — 25th June 2016                                            
Work Experience Student
* Shadowing professionals at the company
* Provided opinion and ideas when picking designs for the magazine as well as their catalogue
* Assisted in helping write an article published in the following issue of Cosmopolitan
* Supervised in helping interviewing individuals for the articles and assisted in online research for the journalists about subjective topics.

The Guardian Newspaper -  4th July 2016 - 8th July 2016
Research Assistant
* Shadowed the research assistants that are working within the Newspaper industry
* Took part in research and assisted researchers in their responsibilities
* Liaised with other professionals in the work space environment such as editors, journalists and graphic designers
* Attended event with the company and assisted the professionals in obtaining the correct information.
* Sat in on a consultation and an interview between a professional and a subject.

Streetwise - 11th July 2016 — 15th July 2016                                                  
Work Experience Assistant
* Going around North West London and along with the company I am running workshops with pupils in year 6 to help ease the transition from Primary School to Secondary School Help run sessions promoting personal safety, self-defence and body image.
* Observing and co - facilitating sessions
* Providing feedback on sessions
* Planning body image campaign
* Planning sessions


* Leader, Jewish Lads and Girls Brigade, February 2010 - Present
* Raised £311 for Norwood Charity through a Bake Sale, August 2015
* Attended NCS Interfaith, August 2015
* Leader, Bnei Akiva, October 2014 - July 2015
* Write up the weekly newspaper for my local community (The Edgware Gazette), April 2015 – May 2016


* Level 2 qualification in Health and Safety management.
* Two-time recipient of the Jack Petchy Award
* Graduate of the National Citizen Service
* Recipient of the Vinspired award whereas i have personally completed 50 hours of Volunteering in the space of three weeks.
* Qualified First Aider


* Research and Archiving
* Collecting e.g. Keyrings
* History and Historical Events
* Listening to Music
* Creative Writing
* Photography

* Confident with public speaking
* Optimistic personality
* Ability to work well under pressure and meet deadlines
* Always keen to learn and improve the skills I have.
* Patience and Understanding - Good Empathy skills developed by working in a social environment
*  I.T Skills -  Very familiar with Microsoft, Apple and Android technology.

References available upon request.

Letters of Application

Dear Ms Edwards.

I hope that you are well.

My name is Talia Wolf and I am 18. I am currently studying Textiles A Level and Jewish Community Secondary School in Barnet and I hope to go to Loughbourough University this September to study Fashion Design

The reason why i am contacting you today is to ask if I could discuss the possibility of me filling your temporary vacancy for an assistant in  in your department at Cosmopolitan Magazine HQ over the summer in London. The reason why I am contacting you directly is because as you're the Digital Fashion & Lifestyle Editor and I really appreciate the work you do as i am an avid reader of the magazine. I feel that you're department will be most beneficial experience for me as it is exactly what i would like to pursue in the future.

I have previously had work experience in Cosmopolitan before so i understand the structure of how the building operates as well as how the magazine is run. I have previously worked in a similar role before at The Guardian Newspaper so i can also understand what it mans to be an assistant and how i can be of the best use to you.

I would also be perfect for the job as I am really determined to get as much experience as possible and i am very willing to do anything that is asked of me. personally, i don't shy away from challenges and i can promise to dedicate myself completely to the job role and beyond this.

Please let me know if we can continue to discuss this in the future as i would really love this opportunity. My Curriculum Vitae is attached to this email and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Kindest Regards,

Talia Wolf

Letter 2

To whom it may concern.

I hope that you are well and have enjoyed the recent festivities.

The reason why i am contacting you today is to ask about the advert that you had published online recruiting perspective fashion photographers to an apprenticeship at Vogue Magazine.

I would really like to take part in this apprenticeship as I am really motivated and ambitious about photography and in particular, fashion and portrait. I would really love the opportunity to improve my skills as well as gain new ones that i do not already have yet. Although photography is a hobby of mine, i would really love to share it with the world and encourage others to pursue the skill. I believe this apprenticeship will be the most effective way of doing so.

As a photographer, I am adventurous, passionate and always motivated to use the lens in the best possible way and I love bringing out a different personality and unique to whatever i am capturing whether it be  a person, plant or animal

please let me know if we could discuss this possibility further as it is a course I would really like to take part in.

Thank you for considering me as candidate

Kindest Regards,

Talia Wolf

Excel Document on Contact Details and Employers in different industries

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