Tuesday 22 September 2015

Creative Media BTEC #2

In Class today, we learnt about the basics of pre-production, this is when its the planning stage before the actual making of the movie.
there are many different things you have to consider before you start making the movie they are:

The Type of Production - this can range from TV to Radio to Movie Trailers but at the moment were looking at Television Adverts which I'm super excited for!

The Personnel - The people that are remotely involved in the project from the
Top people doing big jobs such as Directors and actors all the way to Caterers and hair and make up artists.

The Finance - This is where the funding for the film comes from and what expenses need to be made In for the film to happen, these include Salary, Location Rental, Props, transport and so on...

Time - The schedule on how everything run from when they can shoot during the day to how long they can rent the property that their filming on., as well as being able to schedule holidays, meal times and various other small jobs.

Facilities/Materials -  are what you actually need to make the film, the main one is obviously a Camera so that you can obviously...film it. You also need various other things such as props, the product itself and things such as particular clothing to wear.

Contributors- the people that sponsor and run the advert on television e.g. Currently 'Frierndsfest' Advert is being run by Comedy Central.

Locations - Where the advert is being filmed as well as where meeting places are in terms of business, this also depends on what language the advert is run in, depending on the country its Target Market is based.

Finally, Codes of Practice and Regulation - The laws that the advertising have to run by if they want their advert to be run, making sure it's not offensive to anyone or inappropriate to put on television

We Then checked out adverts made by McCann Advertising (Biggest in the World!) We then focused on adverts and related the following points above to how a particular advert must have been run.
I chose to focus on an Advert from Subway such as 'Picky Patty' or 'Brain vs. Mouth' because they are fun to watch and connect the product in a fun and brightly coloured way and not like a typical advert that make no sense and have a completely expensive overdone advert that in know way relates to the product...although it does make a fun guessing game at the cinema when your waiting for the movie start...

Overall, I'm looking for what the future holds for Creative Media and I'm still thoroughly enjoy the subject even though I still have no idea how to use a mac.

All The Best

Talia Wolf

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