Friday 11 September 2015

Creative Media BTEC #1

I chose Creative Media BTECH (CM) because I have a love of movies and TV shows, I also have great knowledge of the Hollywood industry and the media itself. I proudly consider myself a Movie Maniac.


I was most excited, to take this lesson and even more excited that it was a BTECH which meant no exams to stress over and no papers to write. Its only been 3 lessons and I know now that Media was defintley the right choice for me and I am very much looking forward to the next 2 years of my life.


The first media lesson went well, we mostly went over the course and the grading system that comes with BTEC. I am very excited to look at advertising as I did Business Studies GCSE and I found that interesting. Advertsing is a branch off of Business and I m very interested to learn about this in particular.


In the future, I hope to use this qualification if I would go into media as a second option if Midwifery doesn’t pan out or if I change my mind from my current mind-set.

Finally, I would like to say that now we are now currently looking into the British Film Industry (BFI) and studying films made in the UK using this company, they are currently set to release a film called Bill, based on the untold story of William Shakespeare using the cast of horrible histories.
This looks particularly interesting because as I mentioned I am very much aware of the Hollywood Industry but not the British industry so I'm intrigued to learn this.



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