Thursday 7 April 2016

Photography UNIT 57: Texture / Colour / Shape

Basic Enhancements to Photo

- Focus on the form for some interesting pictures
- Everything has a surface, everything has a texture
- some are course, some are fine, 
- feel texture with your hands
 - Don't photograph entire thing
- always get it in photo


- Balance and harmonies with the colours
- get a picture with loads of colours and change the contrast / saturation
- use the colour wheel to use contrasting colours

- Red, Blue and Green are the primary colours, they add energy and impact to the image
- Red is the strongest and can dominate a picture (even a tiny amount)
- shoot in strong, bright, light for best results

- helps frame a photo / useful composition aid
- make photography stronger
- van be real or made up
look beyond the obvious

Blog Task
Take 10 pictures and put onto my blog
Texture and Colour / Shape

- Contrast + Saturation

I am going to take the Photo's in school. This is my plan for taking the photos of texture, shape and colour.

I am planning to take the photos outside at a time where the weather is predicted sunny in the UK, by studying the weather in my local area, i plan to do the photography shoot next Monday.

I plan to go outside and take photos of leaves and flowers that have raindrops on them and specifically on the leaf rather than having fallen off.

I plan to also take photo's inside the school in a classroom that has big windows so that a lot of light can be let in such as the music room, i plan to use the shape effect with some of those instruments especially brass ones that have a hole at the end of them. i.e tuba, trumpet etc. i plan to take a photo of another object through the view of a brass instrument.

Finally,  I plan to take another set of photos in the school itself and i plan to use texture by taking pictures of food that i might have purchased in the cafe or the canteen. I especially would like to take pictures of the sandwiches of the canteen because of the bun and the fact that light shines off of it because it is so bare. I will use this as for texture as well as other foods such as lettuce which is beautiful when it washed.

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