Monday 19 September 2016

UNIT 3: Research Methods

Primary Research (field research) - Research to obtain usual data using such methods as interviews, questionnaires, focus group and observation
4 categories

  • observation
  • questionnaires
  • focus groups
  • experimentation
Types of Primary Research
  • questionnaires
  • focus groups
  • user groups
  • postal surveys
  • phone surveys
  • customer interview
  • test market
  • technology interview


  • New first hand information
  • van be exactly what you want to know about your product
  • Reliable
  • Current


  • expensive
  • time consuming
  • take up human resources

Secondary Research (desk research) - Research based on the use of data that already exist and has been previously gathered by other people or organisations. it is usually available via the internet, books or via journals

Two ctegoruies;


  • Trader associations
  •  reference materials
  • internet
  • government publications
  •  newspapers


  • financial statement, 
  • company reports, 
  • files, 
  • letters, 
  • customer, 
  • phone calls


  • easier to obtain
  • cheap


  • may not be exactly what you want
  • be outdated and not be relevant
  • Might not be relavent

Quantitative Research - Type of research that is based on measurable and quantifiable facts and information, producing numerical and statistical data

Qualitative Research - type of Research that is based on opinions, attitudes and preferences rather than hard facts

Market Research - collection and analysis of information about the market with which particular product will compete with other products for an audience and for revenue

Why are companies spend so much money on research

  • media products are expensive to Produce
  • need to make sure it will attract the right audience
  • to make sure the audience reacts to it in the right audience
  • to ensure the product complete in the require
  • to stick to the budget

Quantitative Research

  • Box office Figures
  • Programme ratings - BARB
  • Number of people watching
  • score/ numbers
  • Readership circulation figures - ABC
  • Number of hits/views/subscriptions
  • Final Sales
e.g. Friends - TV Show

Rating at 9.0 out 100, and 486,665 voted

Viewers per season as well as the most viewed episode of each season, in the USA.


  • Visual Accurarcy
  • Represent general opinion
  • quicker way of getting through details
  • easier to judge the success based on statistics
  • Just a number 
  • Not really sure of the accuracy of those number
  • doesn't take general population into account/ minority groups

Qualitative Research
  • Film/game/computer reviews
  • Social media
  • websites
  • people responses
  • discussion
  • Awards


  • More detailed


  • Not as reliable

One user has reviewed friends and all the characters

Different awards that the show was nominated for. as well as general popularity

Production Research - Is related to the production process itself.

Audience Research - This researching into the audience that is interested in the product

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