Wednesday 28 September 2016

UNIT 3: Research Methods - TV Programme Assignment

This Assignment is a practice where we are creating a fictitious Television Show, and in order to pass the assignment we have to describe the different types of research and link the pros and cons to it in relation to the theme of our TV Show.

We will also be discussing the genre of the TV show and what the target audience, as well as what Television channel that it will be aired on it.

My own idea is a Sit - Com about the lives of  a group of girls who attend an Orthodox Jewish girls school in North West London and the adventures that they get up to there such as teenager drama, affiliation with the Orthodox Boys school and life going through the 7 years of High school Academically and Socially. and it is aimed at Teenagers and Young adults from around the ages of 13 - 18, it also aimed specifically at Jewish people, This programmed will also be aired Every Week on  Thursday evening on E4 at around 19:00 - 19:45 , as well as it will also be available on Netflix in the UK after the first season has been shot and aired.

The following Research we will need to carry out would be Market Research (primary and Secondary), Quantitative Research, Qualitative Research, as well as Audience Research, we will also be discussing the pros and cons of each of those methods of research.

Market Research

Primary Research



  • These give you first hand research of what Orthodox Jewish Girls School (OJGS) in the 21st Century are like.
  • The information you received would be completely up to date
  • Can hand these outside any schools (specifically like the one above) and ask students, staff and faculty to fill them out in order to get realistic information on how these schools function
  • Students would be willing to fill these out in order to help with the programme, As well there are many schools in NW London so you can gain a lot of research about different secs of Judaism to focus on in the show
  • Many areas in NW London that re considerably Jewish and you can also get information from questionnaires by handing out in Jewish areas and the facilities that they may have associated with Judaism i.e Golders Green, White House etc...


  • Expensive to produce, especially for over 10,000 students, staff and faculty attending schools like the one above, in NW London alone
  • Some of those who may be associated with the schools may be reluctant to have any involvement in the television and programme and not want to fill out any questionnaire to do with it
  • Many Jewish families/students/teachers, for religious reasons, choose not to watch TV and will find it difficult to fill in the questionnaire
  • Need permission to hand out questionnaire, it is a long and lengthy process
  • Could refuse to do questionnaire at all as they might find the idea of the television show "offensive"
  • Time consuming

Interviews & Focus Group


  • Can share real life experiences with the rest of group reflecting on differed areas of Judaism that we want to incorporate into the show, with their permision of course.
  • Will be able to understand the way that people dress, talk and act while attending a OJGS
  • We will be able to ask our target audience what they personally think of the show. We can take into account the opinions that they might say and use it to alter the show so that the target audience grows bigger.


  • Will be difficult to find girls to participate in the study
  • will have to ask permission through the school, therefore it will be restricted on some questions that we may ask depending on how religious the school is.
  • will have to conduct the interviews during school hours, which could be time consuming
  • Some schools might deny our request to talk the students, for religious reasons as well as the fact that they might be missing valuable school time.
  • Waiver forms will have to be produced and sign for every student that takes part in the focus group/ interview. this can be time - consuming and expensive to produce

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