Thursday 13 October 2016

UNIT 3: Research Methods: Assignment 1 - Website

In this assignment, we had to design a website for media students around the same age as me, that educates them on the different research methods that currently exist in the media industry, The assignment asked us to specifically look at three media based products and discuss the methods of researched used in order to make them better. These products are: Digipaks, Album Magazine Adverts and Music Videos. The Research Methods that we had to look at was, Primary Research, Secondary Research, Quantitive Research, Qualitive Research, Market Research, Production Research and Audience Research. We then proceeded to discuss what types of techniques would work when trying to research these products and the pro's and cons on each method.

I tried to design the website in order to appeal to teenagers, and tried to make it as colourful as possible rather than just 4 dull pages. I also made sure that the language is of a level that i can understand. I have looked at what methods will work on these products, and did detailed account of what wouldn't work or benefit the manufacturing of the product in anyway. Hopefully, you'll enjoy reading it and have a better knowledge of what research can be done in different media products

Here is the link to my website:

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