Tuesday 1 December 2015

Subway Prezi & Advert

it's been a long time since i've posted on here because i've been completely swamped in work in the last month. But nonetheless, i am going to tell you what i've gained from working in Creative Media in the last 30 days.

First of all, i made a Prezi on Pre - Production Techniques. using this, i created a fictitious pitch regrading Subway Sandwiches to McCan Erickson Advertising Company. I did this individually. Here it is to view for your leisure. The aim of the advert that i was pitching was it was going to be promoted for 2016 Olympics Rio de Janeiro.  The Advert was going to feature famous athletes from across the globe who all had their own specific type of Subway Sandwich and how it helped them win that particular competition.

The Prezi itself featured costings, locations, every type of personnel involved and most of all the goodness that subway gives to the rest of the world. Please feeler to watch and learn. Please Note that all costings in the Prezi are completely Hypothetical and are solely based on research. I also did not of this for actual making rather than an assignment i was given in school.


Also in Unit 1, we have been given the actual opportunity to create an Advert for a company of our choice. We have to pitch to McCan Erickson and because i already researched subway. we decided to go with them.

This time i made a Powerpoint and talked about every single detail involved in the making of this Advert. This was the planning stage rather than who was going to be involved.

This advert was very different. it focused ion 2 very posh men who both order from the same restaurant while one ends up with a beautiful gourmet meal, the other has a subway sandwich and despite this the gentleman with beautiful meal asks for a bite of his sandwich despite the gold comparison food that he has got in front of him. The second man simply replies 'No." The advert ends by promoting Subway's new hypothetical campaign "Nobody is too good for subway"

My Partner and I planned very single detail of this advert down to the last second. (Only 10 seconds in the first place) We managed to decide on music, costumes, props personnel and even the storyboard (Which was represented by Emoticons)

These Videos below are of my partner and I presenting the the pitch for the advert and the advert in question

Thank You Very Much for Reading

All the Best


Monday 2 November 2015

Pre Production Techniques

This is my Prezi for Unit 1 Pre Production Techniques.

I have chosen to use Subway sandwiches as my client for an advert advertising Subway's My Sub, My way Campaign.

The Main aim of this Prezi was to show my understanding of all the pre production Techniqes involved in making a 30 second national advert.

This is all Hypothetical and I do not plan to actually make this advert.

I hope you enjoy!


Monday 19 October 2015

Havard Referencing Cartoon

Today in Creative Media using a new software called powtoon, i created an entire cartoon about Harvard Referencing as basically everyone copy and pasted links as references.

I definitely know how to reference Harvard style because of all the research i have done to completely understand the basics. I also created Powtoon alternative to prezi i thoroughly enjoy using it.

Hope You enjoy and you after this cartoon, you will be able to Hazard reference without difficulty and be able to start using it more often in your work and assignments.

Hope You Enjoy


Thursday 15 October 2015

Prezi on British Independent Themes & Urban Films.

In Class today, we were asked to create a prezi. this particular assignment was focusing on bothe British Independent Film Themes as well as British Independent Urban Films. I have decided to take both of these assignments and merge it into one huge 40 slide prezi which focuses on about 20 different films.

The First half of the prezi is on the different independent film themes. i decided to choose s my main focus, Gangster, Period Drama and Political. All the films within those 3 subcategories share a common theme with one another such as in the Gangster themed section, both films such as Lock Stock and Two smoking barrels which is about a poker game gone wrong...to Legend which is about the Kray twins which terrorised east London in the 1960's.

The Second half of the prezi was about british independent urburn films which seemed to be aimed attains. I chose examples of classic films that were acknowledged and popular in this area. I chose Kidulthood-Adulthood series about a typical day in the life of growing up in the east end of London compared to Fast Girls abut 2 girls competing to represent GB at the 2012 Olympics and the rivalry that goes on between them.

Anyway I hope you enjoy and learn about what British Independent films may have gone unnoticed and not as acknoledged as big hollywood blockbuster movies and if any peak your interest, don't hesitate to watch and learn more about the british culture and what life is like growing up here, in London.

All The Best


Thursday 24 September 2015

Prezi on the BFI

In Class, our teacher asked that we do a prezi on the BFI (British Film Institute) and how is benefited the British film industry. The BFI funds movies that are independent whiche means that they are not backed by a studio such as Paramount or MGM.

The following prezi is about the basis of what the BFI do for British cinema and how they have benefited the audiences not only for this country but for the rest of the world.

i hope you enjoy it and become more educated about the BFI.

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Creative Media BTEC #2

In Class today, we learnt about the basics of pre-production, this is when its the planning stage before the actual making of the movie.
there are many different things you have to consider before you start making the movie they are:

The Type of Production - this can range from TV to Radio to Movie Trailers but at the moment were looking at Television Adverts which I'm super excited for!

The Personnel - The people that are remotely involved in the project from the
Top people doing big jobs such as Directors and actors all the way to Caterers and hair and make up artists.

The Finance - This is where the funding for the film comes from and what expenses need to be made In for the film to happen, these include Salary, Location Rental, Props, transport and so on...

Time - The schedule on how everything run from when they can shoot during the day to how long they can rent the property that their filming on., as well as being able to schedule holidays, meal times and various other small jobs.

Facilities/Materials -  are what you actually need to make the film, the main one is obviously a Camera so that you can obviously...film it. You also need various other things such as props, the product itself and things such as particular clothing to wear.

Contributors- the people that sponsor and run the advert on television e.g. Currently 'Frierndsfest' Advert is being run by Comedy Central.

Locations - Where the advert is being filmed as well as where meeting places are in terms of business, this also depends on what language the advert is run in, depending on the country its Target Market is based.

Finally, Codes of Practice and Regulation - The laws that the advertising have to run by if they want their advert to be run, making sure it's not offensive to anyone or inappropriate to put on television

We Then checked out adverts made by McCann Advertising (Biggest in the World!) We then focused on adverts and related the following points above to how a particular advert must have been run.
I chose to focus on an Advert from Subway such as 'Picky Patty' or 'Brain vs. Mouth' because they are fun to watch and connect the product in a fun and brightly coloured way and not like a typical advert that make no sense and have a completely expensive overdone advert that in know way relates to the product...although it does make a fun guessing game at the cinema when your waiting for the movie start...

Overall, I'm looking for what the future holds for Creative Media and I'm still thoroughly enjoy the subject even though I still have no idea how to use a mac.

All The Best

Talia Wolf

Friday 11 September 2015

Creative Media BTEC #1

I chose Creative Media BTECH (CM) because I have a love of movies and TV shows, I also have great knowledge of the Hollywood industry and the media itself. I proudly consider myself a Movie Maniac.


I was most excited, to take this lesson and even more excited that it was a BTECH which meant no exams to stress over and no papers to write. Its only been 3 lessons and I know now that Media was defintley the right choice for me and I am very much looking forward to the next 2 years of my life.


The first media lesson went well, we mostly went over the course and the grading system that comes with BTEC. I am very excited to look at advertising as I did Business Studies GCSE and I found that interesting. Advertsing is a branch off of Business and I m very interested to learn about this in particular.


In the future, I hope to use this qualification if I would go into media as a second option if Midwifery doesn’t pan out or if I change my mind from my current mind-set.

Finally, I would like to say that now we are now currently looking into the British Film Industry (BFI) and studying films made in the UK using this company, they are currently set to release a film called Bill, based on the untold story of William Shakespeare using the cast of horrible histories.
This looks particularly interesting because as I mentioned I am very much aware of the Hollywood Industry but not the British industry so I'm intrigued to learn this.