Tuesday 14 June 2016

Magazine UNIT 51: Final Double Page Spread

Task 3: Be able to design and produce page layout to meet a brief

As you can see, this is my final result that i am submitting for my double page spread, based on the fictitious story of Krystal Snow and Lola Summers - the celebrity best friends who are releasing an album together about their friendship. 
This Layout of this article was originally based off of another double page spread about the Pop Star, Nicki Minaj, (Seen Below) and that the original plan was going t have the main picture in the middle of the page and the text surrounding it, however due to an issue with the margin of the page  moved the main image to the end as well as the supporting images in the article. However you can see that the headline and the stand first are both based in similar areas of MY article compared to the one below.
As well as the fact that the theme of the page rotates around the clothes the model is wearing in the main image. The theme colours of my article are blue, red, white and black.

1 comment:

  1. Unit 51 - Page Layout and Design - Assignment 2 - Task 3 - Final Pages - Evidence of P4,M4
