Tuesday 28 June 2016

Photography UNIT 57: Assignment 2 - Moodboard

This Mood board demonstrates my brainstorming phase of my assignment, I have chosen to look at both Steve McCurry and Martin Parr's style of photography. in my previous blog post, I took account how both are extremely similar styles of showing human emotion and take photo's at the perfect moment and in the perfect way in order to give the impression of being "caught in the moment" which I would like to achieve during this assignment. Catching people in the moment.

This Mood board is a collage of their photo's that inspire me to come up with my plan which I hope to go through with, by the end of this month.

So as you can see, my idea is to make sure that with this photo-shoot, I catch people at the writer moment in order to maker the picture all the more effective.

So from this brainstorming session, I have worked out the basis for my photo-shoot, would be the a portfolio of the different faces that are in my family. because my own family are extremely similar and very different facial features and reactions. (similar to that that is on Orange of the New Black Theme Song)
This Mood board is made up of the things that inspired me to do the photoshoot documenting people's faces.
  • The main images are pictures from the OITNB theme song, which really had an impact of me and shows the similar style I want to achieve within my own photo-shoot
  • There are pictures from both Steve McCurry and Martin Parr's photographic work, they both inspire me timontaeenusly to do photo's that involve catching people in the moment.
  • Parr suggests,that you take photo's showing humans at their worst in order to symbolise how the working class really behave or what the upper class looks compared to the working class.
  • McCurry shows the side of the world that people are not as ware about and to show the true crisis that re going on now, meaning Steve McCurry has to show people at their best in order to capture the life that goes on in third world countries compared to first world ones.
  •  I would love and hope to follow a mixture of both McCurry and Parr when implementing my Photo - shoot.

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