Wednesday 29 June 2016

Photography UNIT 57: Assignment 2 - Overall Plan

This blog post discusses the actual structure and plan of the Photo-shoot. Just to clarify, The photo-shoot is going to be a documentation of the faces of my family and how they would react to things that I would say to them. Then I would catch their face in the moment that I would say that phrase.

In the photo-shoot, I will give the models the freedom to make any facial expression that they choose and I will take a picture of it


 What I really want to communicate through this photo-shoot, is that no two people are the same, no matter if they are from the same family. Everyone has a unique personality and will react to the same thing in different ways.

Fact is, in my own life, I have constantly been told that I take after other people and that I'm following in the footsteps of my parents or  siblings or grandparents. Whereas, I never have my own choices taken into account by others and people assumed I'm going to end up looking or doing the same thing as my relatives. 

I want to prove this wrong! Show that everyone has different personalities (despite being In the same family tree)  and might react to the same thing in different ways. This photo-shoot gives people the freedom to do that and react on their own accord rather than follow what somebody else may have done.

Planned Structure

The Photo-shoot will take place in my house. In the downstairs where we have white wall paper which will make a good background.  I will position the model in front of the wall paper and say top them "Make the Best face that describes you". I will then photograph different aspects of their face and take out individual facial features such as eyes and lips and take separate photo's of those features. I will give them the option to wear whatever they want, wear their hair, glasses or make up however they choose. They can either sit or stand (as long as it's against the background). For each image, I will manually change the aperture and shutter speed so the overall result is different. So I will take overall, one final photo of their face with the expression and two more separate photo's isolating out the eyes and the lips(still in the same expression) each family member will have three photo's.

Pros / Cons

  • Readily available equipment at my house such as whitewall paper, make up and charger for my camera, objects and other things that can impact the photo-shoot
  • Variety of people that i can use in my photo-shoot
  • Realistic and genuine rather than posed
  • Wide Space to take photo's
  • Fun for both the photographer and the model
  • No bad photo's can be resulted
  • Variety of Facial expressions - no two people will be similar
  • In my own home, so I don't have to get a lease or a license or any governmental permission, as I am on my own private property
  • Do the photo-shoot at my own pace

  • as it is family members, it is a very relaxed photo-shoot, therefore, they might not take the photo-shoot as seriously and therefore can be difficult to work with, especially hen i ask them to pull a face that might describe them
  • Time constraints
  • Noise, can distract the camera man as my house is hectic
  • Can be considered copyright and unoriginal. because it was inspired by TV Show
  • can clash with plans that the models may have and therefore might be less obliged to take part i.e.  work, babysitting etc...
  • reuse of similar models in past projects
Risk Assessment

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