Tuesday 29 November 2016

UNIT 3: Research Methods - Assignment 3 - Presentation and Notes

Here is the Powerpoint:

Herer are the Notes to go along with the Powerpoint:

Notes for Presentation:

By Gabby & Talia:



Slide 1:

Gabby: Welcome to our presentation on Research techniques for the Creative Media Industries. We will be talking to you about, what we have learnt from our previous assignment on research techniques. Also, we will discuss procedures, our results and our creation for a future music video, digipak and album magazine advert. On the last slide of this presentation are two animations, which explain Qualitative research in comparison to Quantitative research.

Slide 2:

Talia: Getting right into it, here is what we have learnt through this experience. For those of you who may not be aware, we chose to specifically focus on the music career of One Direction and the members. Firstly, we learnt a lot about the Target Market that they aim their music videos, digipaks and AMA at, which in summary is Teenage Girls in the UK. Who are Aspirers in the psychographic table and Class E in the demographics.

Gabby: Also looking at YouTube, we found out what the ten top music videos there are currently. These figures are regularly updated as different audience members are watching a variety of music videos with figures rapidly moving up. As of 2016 we now know that Gangnam style is the top most viewed music video on the Internet… However, this may change due to our new music video coming soon! We have also learnt from analyzing information from internet forums, social media and comment sections who a typical one direction fan would be.

Talia: finally, we found out what a Digipak actually is. However, based on our questionnaire results, no one else knows. We have learnt that in the 21st Century due to online stores when you can buy music digitally such as ITunes or Spotify. Digipaks are gradually becoming outdated.

Slide 3:

Gabby: As I have previously mentioned we gathered information from the comment section such as amazon and Internet forums like the student room in order to find out more information about our one direction target market. Also, we looked into what is already out there as part of our market research to provide a new fresh and current music video, Digipak and album magazine advert for the audience to experience a new style which the boys haven’t introduced before.

Talia: We used a mixture of primary and research technique to find AMA, as they are not usually released online. We researched into articles such as Q and Billboard who are known for producing adverts that promote albums. We also used a focus group of two teenage girls, so we could see what their opinions of AMA’s are today. Furthermore, Gabby interviewed a teenager about his perspectives on Digipaks, such as font, colour and layout. We carried out these primary research sessions so that, in the future, if we create either an AMA or a Digipak we know the type of audience classification we want to aim at and what design to follow.

Slide 4:

Gabby: In our results you can see the pie charts with statistics, which have been changed into figures from opinions and views from our questionnaire. Looking at the ones on the left top and bottom you can see the similarity between which artists you most likely to watch such as a music video and who you are most likely to buy a Digipak of. If you look carefully (point) you can see that One direction dominated both pie charts which is interesting because we asked a mixture of people, because one direction seem to be more watchable and pleasurable to listen too as opposed to Taylor swift and Justin beiber. Normally some people prefer watching a music video for picture what the lyrics mean, as opposed to actually listening to the music of the same artist.

Talia: On the other side, here is another sample of results from our questionnaire. On the top right, you can see that out of our responses, asking what magazine are you most likely to buy, the majority of people said Hello! This could be beneficial for us in the future if one direction wanted to promote and AMA in there, therefore we now know that type of audience to aim the advert to and how we can suit it to their liking. On the bottom right, the results of our questionnaire came back saying that everyone who answered believes that pastel colours such as baby blue or scarlet should be featured in One Direction Music Videos. We can again,  use this to our advantage and include these colours when creating our music video to attract more audience members and views.

Slide 5:

Gabby:  We have come up with the idea of giving the boys a complete new look for a new music video, Digipak and album magazine advert. We have decided to jet them to Hawaii, a tropical resort where they will have photo-shoots for their Digipak and album magazine advert. Also, they will be videoed for their new music video, which we hope can make the 10 most top, viewed music videos in 2017! Also, the idea of the freebie for the Digipak will be that the boys are sharing with the audience what they enjoyed about Hawaii, therefore the idea of a small surfboard keying will allow the audience to have a gift for being supportive but also for the audience to know what the boys got up to in their spare time, enjoying the waves. Also, the boys will wear personalized swimming trunks to advertise their brand and they will also be featured swimming with dolphins and other sea creatures

Slide 6:

Talia: Obviously, these ideas are not all completely original, we have some guidance from previous existing music videos, AMA and Digipaks. The theme of having fun on a beach is a popular theme. We have decided to use a remixed version of their previous song “What Makes You Beautiful” and somehow remixed the beach that they were on in the video transforming Brighton to Hawaii. For Digipaks, we looked at previously at McFly’s album “motion in the ocean”  (on the top right) which was released in 20016and how the boys are featured underwater and we want to copy a similar idea with One Direction and make it more contemporary and as a homage to original boy band. Finally, like most album magazine adverts, it will be a copy of the original album art and the details concerning the release date, top single, brand name etc. This has been taken from the typical conventions of normal AMA and changed it to suit the style that we will be creating. Again, this will based around the “motion of the ocean” McFly’s album art.

Slide 7:

Gabby: For my Quantitative research I made an animation, which you will see shortly, followed on by Talia’s animation on Qualitative research.  I looked at statistical information such as through youtube videos whereas, Talia looked at comment sections on internet forums. The information I found on youtube was helpful because the statistics are precise and updated annually; however there are also cons to this type of research such as the statistics always change on a daily basis. For example, if you look at the screenshots on my blog of the most viewed videos I can guarantee that the viewing figures would have changed and would now be considered outdated. I also looked at the statistics and formed pie charts from the questionnaire and this was primary research which was helpful as we were able to find out percentages in the target market which would appeal to us and help us when designing our media products, e.g. the fact that our market prefer pastel colours as appose to dull colours increases our chances of gaining more views.

Talia: Summarizing up my animation as you just saw, it briefly discusses the pro and cons of both Audience Panel and comments on Internet forums. This qualitative information could be compared to Gabby’s Animation on quantitative research as I believe that it’s value will help create a better music video as well as other products in the future. Gabby’s research was helpful in providing statistics about how the current market are feeling about One Direction, such as video views on YouTube as sell as the questionnaires we can do, however, qualitative could be even more beneficial when creating products as, we can really take this opportunity to connect with the fans and base the videos on their opinions. An Audience Panel was gives us the opportunity to find out how the current market react to One Direction and what we don’t/do like about the video and go wee can improve it in the future. Whereas Comment sections are helpful when deciding what other markets are out there, who our competitors are and what these other market’s want to see in the next one direction video.

Slide 8:

Gabby: Any Questions

(If none/ answer questions)

Talia: Thank You for listening!

Video of our presentation: 

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