Our target audience are young teenagers between the age of 13-18, this age group love one direction. A typical fan would be obsessed with one out of the five boys either for their looks or their voice. They are also likely to follow them on social media such as Facebook, twitter and Instagram. One direction have fans globally all over the world, they are very well known. But they are more likely to have fans in the UK and USA as they are very well known for touring there and spending their personal time in certain areas of these countries.
Also, it is believed that one direction have also built a fan base for women over the age of 50 as they believe these boys are good role models for young people. Also, the middle age category feel their music is current and fresh and relates to everyone.
Therefore, our target audience is aimed at a variety of age groups but especially young fans who will engage in the music and watch their music videos regularly due to the content used and props in the video. Also, the typical one direction fan has followed their journey from the factor auditions to their last song together known as history. Also, they are likely to have five or more photos on their phone of the band or one of the members. The fan base watch music videos regularly so it is important that we include in the video what the audience are looking for. Also, the audience are likely not to buy digipaks because they have either Spotify or iTunes and YouTube for free.
They are likely to buy magazine album adverts as they like to keep the posters and stick them on their wall to show their support and love for the group. Most fans are likely to atlas own one CD before Spotify and iTunes became more famous. Also, regarding owning the CD, they could potentially own a limited edition of that CD either in a Digipak or Jewel case. Our audience fit into the category of E in the Demographic model as the audience are mostly students and young people. The majority of the audience are girls and women as the band are a group of boys who girls especially love. This also shows social class and gender in media classification. Age is another media classification as young girls and a minority of older people also like one direction. Therefore, I have considered the age, gender and category of my audience.
Therefore, this target audience I believe fit into class E as well as the audience fitting into the Psycho graphics as most people fit into one of the category, our audience fit into the Aspires category as they like fashion and and new things. Therefore, one direction are a new and current successful band who's audience are known as Aspires as they look up to one direction and aspire.

Our audience media preferences are that the majority prefer music videos to buying digipaks. Also, they like to see in the media, scandal and stories involving the one direction members for their entertainment, they also like to follow the boys journey, via the media on social networking sites. especially twitter, as the fans can communicate with the boys directly. they also like to keep up with the boys through magazine articles and newspapers. The audience also like to see the boys personal life in the media through music videos or social media, for example the audience see in the history music video the boys time show their time together sad times and happy times within the industry and the audience like how the band show their time together behind the scenes as well.
The fans like book signing events as they get to meet the boys also the fans like to see how the boys are portrayed in the media such as when the boys take time out from work they like to see what they are up to. furthermore, an average fan would buy a ticket to their concert in their local city. it is also likely that that fan would go to the concert either wearing or purchase any merchandise that they are selling there. Therefore a summed up fan would be a supporter of the group from the beginning of their journey till this day they would go to their concerts and follow them on social media accounts and listen to their music.
One direction music videos are being viewed all the time on a daily basis by fans and other people. Also, people buy and download one directions music on their phones to listen to the songs regularly without WiFi.

These statistics show how many people have viewed their music videos and the buying patterns from their first song to their last song has gone up rapidly due to more fans joining along the way.

This also shows how many views over time one direction music videos have got on YouTube.
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