Tuesday 1 March 2016

Magazine UNIT 51: Audience Profiling and Double Page Spread analysis

This is a Stereotypical Audience Profile for people who would read NME Magazine.

Who mainly listens to that music: People who like to keep up to date with a particular artist or band that they like the music of and who are well educated fans in this area of music

Gender: Male

Age: 17 - 30

Social Class: Middle Class

Ethnicity: White British

Interests: Likes going to concerts of high profile bands, playing an instrument, likely to be piano or guitar , owns a music playing device such as an Ipod or an MP3 Player. Is actively on social media such as Twitter and Facebook.

Dress Sense: Jeans (maybe ripped) , White Shirt, Loose Tie, Converse Shoes, Leather Jacket and sunglasses

Why They Listen to Pop Music: They Listen to music so they can keep in fashion  with the trends of the 21st century. They also hope to aspire to be like this person that plays the song and it gives tehm hope to pursue this one day.

How Often  do they listen to their Music: At least twice a day. On the way to and from work or school. They might occasionally listen to music while working or running for recreation

What they would like in magazines: They would want to know the life of the artists/band rather tahn just the music they make and how they started off their careers and how they live their life besides their music career such as hobbies, relationships and other activities.

What was the task?

The task was to analyse a double page spread that we had chosen and to use all the key terms and do an in depth assessment of a particular Double - page spread. I chose to do an anlysis of a double page spread of an interview with Nicki Minaj as you can see above.

What I Learnt?

I Learnt about the clever tricks that magazine articles use to entice the reader into reading and entire article, such as using the colour pink, in order to promote Nicki's new album "Pink Friday". The fact that they also layed out the article as a way of comparing Nikki Minaj - a Pop Singer to a godly figure. This entire Article is set out as it would be in the bible, all the way up to using biblical texts and phrases. Techniques that i picked up on when reading this article was the fact that the main picture is placed to a point where all the text surrounds her, much like people surround  a god with worship. The Picture itself was also black and white, however this would help me a pick a colour scheme in the future based on the picture because i might have trouble deciding.

In the future?

This will help me in the future. I can use these methods that i picked up on in the article, in my own double page spread so that i can too, use these techniques to entice the reader into reading my article and finding it incredible interesting.

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