Wednesday 16 March 2016

Photography UNIT 57: Photos

These 20 photo's on this blog were taken in the courtyard of Jcoss School. We specifically had to take photo's and using different composition of the photographs, these included, leading lines, symmetry, focal points, rule of thirds and bird eye view. when i took these photo's is peciffically went out of my way to find compositions in the photographs that i was taking and for the majority of the photos i used rulwe of thirds.

I found it quite challenging when taking some shots to get exactly the right composition especially when taking pictures of the flowers and the leaves as they constantly got moved and rustled by the wind, but overall ie enjoyed it an i am looking forward to doing it again.

The Pictures in my opinion that are believe are the best photo's of the bunch are the ones that are highlighted in Purple, which is 5. I will talk you through why i consider these to be the best as they relate to the composition of photographs that are on my other blog post

1) The photo at the top left corner of the contact sheet is personally my favorite photo that i have taken because the focal point is clear in thta photo as the flower stands out in red among the green blurred background. the lighting also makes an impact on the flower as it reflects off one o the leaves

2) This photo i also highlighted as good, I did this because of the camera shot was seen as a bird eye's view, which is what i intended. The reason there is a leaf in a way is because i wanted to make the impression that the bird was seeing it from a tree and looking down at the floor.

3) This photo was taken in away to enhance the idea of leading lines as the brick wall is leading the eyes down a path and getting closer and closer to the ground.

4) the photo adjacent to it of another flower, this is also a good photo and similar to the first one. This is a photo of another flower but the focal point is the same as it's focusing on the leaves and the flower. The lighting is good as it bounces of the petals if you look closely and it is reflected in the drop of water that is on the leaf.

5) The final photo is of the tree's. this photo is goof in terms of symmetry because it is not obvious bu it is actually one multiple trees in line with each other but it looks like one tree with lots of branches which is the effect i wanted to get when taking the photo

In the future of the course I hope to use these skills that i learnt to take photos as well as the fact that i learnt naturally how to use the rule of thirds in order to take good photo whenever I take pictures. I also hope to use these compositions in the future of the course because i now know what is really effective whenever I take a photo and to look out for these whenever i'm walking around so i know when it's good to take a photo.

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