Wednesday 23 March 2016

Photography UNIT 57: Potraits on Photoshop

The Task: Firstly, we had to take our own photographs in our own spare time and then we would upload our photos onto photoshop and we would edit it using a range of techniques provided to us in a powerpoint. The photos that we took had to have had 3 different shots. Close Up, Mid - Shot and Long Shot. We had to use Black and White in the blue, red and green filter, we had a go at using selective colour and finally we had to use a comic book effect.

This is a Close up of My sister, the picture is in black and white effect but the filter is Blue

This is the second close up of my sister much like the one above and is the picture in the Black and White effect but with a green filter

This is the last close up of my sister in Black and white effect along with the red filter added to this.

I particularly like this image f selective colour of my mother in her wedding dress because i took a long time tracing each individual petal, flower and leaf that is in the photo. and the end result is actually stunning and it really brings out the flowers and it makes the actual photo of my mother stands out as well. I believe that all my hard work has paid off and if i can do this picture once like this, then I believe I can do it again.

This is a mid shot of my mother. as you can see that selective colour has been used to enhance the flowers in the picture and to make them shine out from the black and white background.
I found it really challenging to do the comic book edition of this long shot because i had to do it from an article online rather than actually from the Photoshop program itself. The version i was using omitted the comic book effect of a picture so i had to improvise. I hope to improve in the future if any problem like this would occur again.
This is my attempt at a comic book effect on a Long shot of my sister. This was difficult because the original Photoshop affect had been emoted from the version of Photoshop that i was using so i made this effect based on a DIY review off the internet. I hope to improve in the future

In the future of the course, this has taught me how to use these settings again, especially selective colour and if i were to make a photo stand out, i now know how to do so as well as the fact that in the future of the course, i realize where i went wrong concerning making a photo comic book filtered. I know not to repeat that in the future.

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