Thursday 3 March 2016

Photography UNIT 57: Photojournalism

In Class today we looked at a documentary featuring the life and career of Don McCullin who is a British Photographer.  He took photo's that represented what the real issues there were in world in the 1960's - 70's. Based on the documentary that we watched I am going to answer the following questions.

Here is the link: 

Why is Photojournalism Important?

The Google Definition of Photojournalism is "
the practice of communicating news by photographs, especially in magazines." This is what Don McCullin does. He gets real life issues across the wroeld through photo's and therefore he showcases the truth from a first hand perspective. Photojournalism is important in terms of telling the truth, because unless they have been photo shopped or taken in a biased way. they don't lie. even more so, testimonies can back them up. They also help summarise what is written in an article and make you understand what you didn't before because it is taken from a point of view of someone who was there and can vouch for the truth.

Positives of Photojournalism?

Looking at Don Mcullin and his career I can take out some of the positives of a career in photography and mainly in photojournalism.

  •  Can get paid a lot of money to do something you love as i can see from Don McCullin as he is wealthy and is known for taking photo's of things, which  he loves.
  • Can talk & show the entire world the real issues that the planet is facing
  • Show how times have changed through the years and decades and compare to what life was like before and now with real photographic evidence.
  • Talk about pictures about famous historical events which you  can relate to because the photojournalist was there.
  • Get a rush from taking the photo's.
  • Witness Events
  • Travel around the globe
  • Record Reactions through pictures
  • Relive Memories
  • Show the real truth

Negatives of Photojournalism?

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