Monday 14 March 2016

Magazine UNIT 51: Magazine Planning.

I have chosen to make a double page spread of a lifestyle magazine. This Lifestyle Magazine is aimed mainly at Teenage Girls between the ages of 13 and 17. 

These are my 3 ideas of the article will be:

1) An Interview between a former Disney channel star and why she left the business
2) A Q&A with a celebrity from Nickelodeon about joining a new show and how they feel about this
3) A Exclusive Feature in which 2 celebrities who are best friends talk about their friendship and how they are releasing a new album together

I have chosen to do Idea number 3 about the 2 celebrity friends.

I have decided to ask myself the following questions about how i am going to structure and plan the article:

Why Write the Article?
I have decided to write this article to inspire all teenage girls that read it that with your best friend anything is possible, I have decided to write this article specifically for teenage girls because i believe that they will find it interesting to find out how 2 singers launched their careers and how fame has kept these 2 girls together, this will hopefully inspire girls to still pursue their dreams of singing and with her best friend as well. The celebrities are called Krystal Snow and Tiffany Holiday. They are based on real celebrities

Who Will Read it?
This magazine is aimed at Teenage Girls globally from ages 13 - 17. The Magazine will be called "PreQueen"

Why Would They Do It?

The story is that Krystal and Tiffany have come in together to do discuss their new album that they are releasing called "poison Ivy" they will have an interview discussing their new album and also their friendship and how they go to where they were today. 

Planning The Article:

The Magazine is starting off about the album itself called "Poison Ivy"  and the songs on it. We will look specifically at the hit single called "Sisterhood" which is about 2 best friends and the friendship between them. This will lead onto the real life story of how Krystal and Tiffany met and became friends and now are releasing an Album together. We will talk about both of their separate careers before them merging into one.

This is my plan for the stand first: The Princesses of Pops are back! Krystal Snow and Tiffany Holiday are taking LA by storm promoting their NEW album “Poison Ivy” Talking Talia Wolf at
PreQueen Magazine HQ Through their new single and their old friendship.

I Plan to use 50 words on the headline, standfirst, and strapline.

The First 300 words will be about the album itself and how it came to being.The songs on it and the celebrities personal favourite

The next 200 words will be about the Celebrities hit single "Sisterhood" and the meaning it has.

The next 100 words will be a brief overview of Krystals career followed by 100 words about an overview of tiffany's career.

The last 200 words will be about how the girls met and instantly became best friends, unfortunetly one of the girls went on a 52 week world tour but they got back together a year ago and have been best friends ever since. They also have released a album together an dpapeared in each other music video

Krystal AND Tiffany

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