Thursday 17 March 2016

Photography UNIT 57: Portraits


 3 different composition

  • A long shot - the whole person
  • A Medium shot - Waist up
  • A close up - just face and neck
Things to consider
  • what is the lighting like?
  • what is the background like
  • where the model is looking??
  • what pose should the model have?
Taking the Picture
  • Take more than 3 shots for each one
  • Take your time
  • talk to your model
  • get the eyes in focus
  • Try and get off the automatic setting
  • We will look at black and white effects
  • We will look  at partial colour effects
  • We will look at basic adjustments
  • We will  be looking at comic book images
Key Words:
  •  Aperture - how much light is let into the camera through the lense
Your Task:
  • We have till Wednesday 23rd to have these shots taken
  • We will be given the opportunity to manipulate the images on Photoshop
  • The Nikon DSLR's are available for use but can only be done on the school premise.
  • we have to organise who our model is going to be
  • we need to plan where and when are going to take your photographs

My Plan for the Photography Shoot.

I Will ask my Sister to be the model for my shoot because she is very photogenic and will happiuly do what i ask her as she wants to be a model when i am older.

Long Shot:

Light: Natural Light/ Darkish 
Background: Grass with the Blue Sky/ Sunset/ Weather
Model Position: The Model should be looking away from the camera we should be seeing the back of their head
Model Pose: Her hands should be raised above her head spread out or in clenched fists i.e victory

Mid - shot

Light: Natural
Background: Plain, like a grey or purple colour
Model position: Lying down, her hand is keeping her head up
Model pose: she is smiling or laughing and she is facing the camera, she is also wearing a dark shade of lipstick

Close - up

Light: Dark Light or artificial via a bulb
Background: A bed set- up like a pillow
Model position: she is under tghe covers with her head on the pillow facing the camera straight on
Model Pose: She should just be lying straight
Model should be looking: directly at the camera with her eyes closed, giving the idea that she is dreaming

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