Saturday 12 March 2016

Photography UNIT 57: Composition of Photogrpahs

Focal Points
  • Most pictures should have a point of interest
  • This is known as a focal point because it's what the viewer is drawn their attention to
  • Adds a sense of depth and helps construct the photograph
  • Their is usually only one focal point in a single photo
  • Focal Points sometimes gives a sense of realism and perspective
  • Does not be massive to do it's job
  • Colour can always help - a drop of bright colour will draw in attention
  • They create a lot of visual suspense
  • A picture doesn't always have to only one focal point - Two or more can produce an incredible images because the image will be confusing the viewer as they don't know which one ro specifically look at. 
Focal Point
Rule of Thirds

  • You use rule of thirds automatically in your mind 
  • Use the rule of thirds now that identifies 4 important parts of the image you should consider placing your point on interest
  • gives 4 lines that are useful elements from balancing your photo
  • Theory - if you place point if interest in the squares or on the lines, the photo becomes clearer and more balanced - they will be able to interact more naturally
  • Might be more natural for some people rather than others
  • when learning it - always ask yourself
  • What are the points of interest taking the shot?
  • Where am i intentionally placing them?
  • Keep the rule of thirds in your mind as you edit your photo later on.
Rule of Thirds
What makes a good photograph?
- Good Subject
- Good Lighting
- Good Composition

- Take a Photo in the dark

Leading Lines

  • If a photo has strong lines in it, make sure they leave the eye into the frame rather than away from it

Viewpoint/ Angles
- Vary Angles - Shoot at different angles capture the subject and a different point of view, make the camera higher or lower than the average person would do. for dramatic enhancement,  Take some photos for birds eye or worms eye view

- Dramatic Lighting adds interest to a photo
Silhouettes - subjects make the dark photography it against a light background (back lighting)

- Framing a subject by zooming or moving closer draws attention to it

- An identical or near identical image of its other half. Use of symmetry often provides a formal balance

Task: We have to create a 20 image contact sheet
We can be  any style we want (portrait, Landscape)
They have to focus on one setting (location)

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